Backyard Stories

Architecture | Urban Design

Bhumiputra Architecture | Bangalore, India

Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

The site spans about 109 acres and the brief is to propose around 250 housing units with common social infrastructure such as club houses, spa’s, healing gardens etc. The ideation began on the master planning level. This included understanding of the slopes that indicate various angles of gradation at various points which thereby leads into demarcation of various zones / blocks each of which has a unique cluster typology based on the slope of the land, wind pattern and circulation.

This created three main zones with primary access running across each zone and secondary access roads along the clusters within each zone. The public amenities are situated such that it is in close proximity with the entire site. Since the site is located in Hyderabad, Telangana, it lies in a region of hot and humid climate. This required the understanding of local materials such as the kadapa stone and laterite blocks along with the use of passivhaus building strategies. At the microlevel, the idea is to design spaces with an equal percentage of built and unbuilt and to create harmony not only between the residences but also with respect to the cluster as well as the master plan.


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